I am grateful that you are here!
Being coached for the first time in 2013, meant that my life changed for the better and beyond my wildest dreams! I share my story in the hope that it will show you what is possible when you decide you are worthy of doing the work to remove your limits!
Growing up
I was a sensitive child and was bullied, at 16 I‘d had enough. It was the moment my teacher told me my head was in the clouds that I decide to ‘show her!’ and I embarked on a journey of entrepreneurship, by my early 20’s I had intentionally created a career working with celebrities, on TV and in magazines.
I had put everything into my business, and in my early 30’s I realised I had created what success looked like on paper, I had the luxury cars, the designer handbags, the thriving career, but inside I felt lonely, lost and left behind as my friends around me were having babies, getting married and moving on, whilst I found myself in an incredibly unfulfilling and unhappy relationship wondering when will it be my turn, and is this it?!
A discovery that changed everything
It was then that I discovered personal development and coaching. I decided to invest in a coaching program and had no idea what to expect, but I knew I had nothing to loose and everything to gain.
The coaching journey blew my mind and put my life on a whole new trajectory. I found personal power and direction like I’d never known before. Things that had once kept me stuck and feeling not good enough, I was finally able to let go of and feel free from.
Some of the reframes my coach offered still reverberate in my mind now, as that literally shattered the limiting beliefs I’d been holding subconsciously on to about myself that kept me settling, dissatisfied and always wondering what’s wrong with me.
Breakthroughs, Personal power and autonomy
I stopped doing all of the things I felt I ‘should’ be doing, and instead I started discovering and doing what I actually wanted to do! I started trusting myself and instead of trying to please others all the time, I found myself focusing on pleasing myself. I had an inner calm that I’d not experienced before.
I grew my company, I started wearing colours that I liked, I fearlessly and boldly ended a toxic relationship with my fiancé, and, I know it sounds cliche- but, I found myself and finally loved myself too.
Quantum leaps, Relationships, family and a new career!
10 months later after having the time of my life, I met my dream partner (now husband.), and just over a year later we had our baby girl.
The work I did with my coach meant that I was able to create quantum leaps in my life because everything I chose was in alignment with what I truly desired.
A couple of years later, when my little girl was a few months old I saw a Ted Talk that gave me another kick up the bum, the women reminded me that we only get one life, and the only time we have is now!
I had been saying I wanted to change my career and to train as a mindset coach so I could help other people own their personal power to create their version of an extraordinary life like I had done through coaching, and so I actioned it. I began researching and I enrolled on an ICF accredited life coaching course, I went on to gain my accreditation, went on to study as a Tony Robbins Strategic intervention coach and began a whole new chapter of my career.
Location independence and a lit up life
That was 5.5 years ago, I have since built a wildly successful online life and business coaching practice and have clients across the globe from Australia, to Dubai, Portugal to the united states, and I can work from anywhere in the world.
Making a difference
Nothing lights me up more than seeing my clients having breakthroughs and flourish before my eyes.
I bumped into a local client just days ago that begin working with me 2 years ago, it was the first time we had met in person. She hugged me and said coaching with you was the best thing I have ever done!
Now its your turn!
If you decide to work with me, I truly believe you will feel the vsame way.
I look forward to hearing your story and supporting you to unlock your limitless potential and write your extraordinary next chapters!